Saturday, March 1, 2008

Why Linden?

Hello Sunshine! I am grateful for the rain that is essential in producing the food that nourishes us; however, I am also a native bring on the sun!

On my daily trek from Manteca to our new home neighborhood in Linden, I prefer to travel the country roads. The ride seems so much more peaceful than the optional route: Highway 99. Perhaps it's the almond trees in full bloom, the lush fields of green, or the majestic views of the snow-capped Sierras. As I was driving out this morning, I asked myself, "why Linden?" What is it that draws people to this small country town known for its cherries and walnuts? From what I have seen, the reasons are numerous, yet they all converge at some point and an underlying theme emerges. Linden embodies that community feeling that people are familiar with from years past. People in the community know your name, what you do for a living, your children, their children's teachers, their children's friends and parents. This type of community is hard to find in our area. The San Joaquin valley has grown quite a bit in the past several years. It seems as if communities popped up over night and have become solitary and sterile; perhaps it's a byproduct of the commuter culture. Most of the people I've come into contact with here in Linden work within a 20 mile radius. Perhaps this gives them more time to enjoy their home, family and community as opposed to being stuck in traffic on I-205 or 580. I think Linden is one of the last communities in our area that has not succumbed to the pressures of growth. And I think it is fair to say that this town will remain a close knit community for years to come.

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