Friday, March 7, 2008


In order to help stimulate the housing market the Fair Housing Administration's loan limits have been increased, making it easier for people in San Joaquin County to qualify for a home purchase. The new FHA limit is $488,750 up from 362,790. According to the National Association of Realtors President, Dick Gaylord, this loan limit increase will help an additional 138,000 Americans buy a home. FHA loans were used heavily during a recession in the 80's to help stabilize falling prices and help people get the necessary financing. If that holds true, as more and more people take advantage of the current market conditions, home prices will gradually rise once again. So, if you are on the fence waiting, now is the time to buy.

If you are interested in a new Raymus home, give me a call or come visit us in Linden.

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