Looks can be deceiving! At this point, all you see is a concrete slab foundation. This seems to be the beginning of the process. However, there are a few very important things that have to happen before we get to this 'beginning' stage.
Let's take a step back in time.....
First, the ground has to contain the right amount of moisture. So our team soaks the home site. Once there is proper moisture, the concrete company will chalk and trench the home's footprint. After that, they will set the necessary forms for the upcoming concrete pour. In the meantime, the plumbers must complete all of the pre-plumbing items such as trenching for plumbing lines, installing drains and water lines, etc. Once the rough plumb items are complete, we need an inspection from the county.
Phew...a lot has happened so far....and we still aren't ready to pour the foundation you see in the photo. We still need to grade and water the area, complete a moisture test, install rebar and electric risers.....still with me? Almost there...we just need to pre-treat the slab area for termites and get an inspection by the county inspector.
NOW WE POUR! Rejoice! You are now caught up....the foundation is in place and we are ready to get started.
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